Sophie Marie Pulkus

Illustrator, conceptual designer, researcher and visual essayist

Researching in libraries, doing interviews or walking through the woods: Let me write and illustrate your next article or text about different topics. Visit the Blog to get a feeling for my texts or click for more info »

Individual atmosphaeric illustration to add a meaningful layer to your project. Step-by-Step motives and infographics or beautiful article opener to accompany any of your texts. See more »

Lets work together on a full project by bringing everythings together. Using my long expertise and good eye for holistic design to create a fully round functional and beautiful concept. For more Info and examples, read on »

Unbenanntes Projekt

selected works


A journey into culture and science

through visual essays

follow me on my journeys and get a glimpse into my projects, museum visits and encounters with amazing people.

"small business portraits" for JapanMarkt Berlin